Saturday, August 13, 2016

Review of film midnights children

Midnights children by salman Rushdie  is To be one of the most widely read book in the 20th century. The film basically deals with India’s transition from British colonialism to independence and consequently the partition of British India. Midnight children is a very good example  of postconial literature and magic realism.
Saleem Sinai is the hero of the movie and story told from his perspective.. Movie mentions various actual historical events In their fictional form. The initial part of movie basically describes the events leading up to India’s indepndence and the ensuing partition of the country. Saleem born at the stroke of midnight on 15, 1947. He is born on the day India got independence from British, later on saleem comes to know that all the children who born 12am and 1am have some kinds of special powers.
Saleem is gifted with telepathic power. He uses his power to assemble a midnights children s conference. The issue dealing with cultural linguistic, religious and political differences  which are faced by India.saleem  becomes a kind  of medium and he uses his power as a conduit to bring hundreds of geographical disparate children  into contact  .at the same time  saleem tries to find out the meaning of their gift.he comes to know that the children born closest stroke of midnight have more powers than others.
Shiva and parvati  two such gifted children who have their notable gifts and roles in saleems story Shiva “ of the knees” happiness to be saleem's nemesis. Parvati is called “parvati the witch” saleem s family has to make a number of  migrations they are compelled to endure many wars which disrupt the subcontinent
Indira Gandhi is  also involved in Indira ‘s son sanjay cleansing of the jama masjid slum.saleem become a political prisoner and he has to spend sometime in jail. How Indira Gandhi missed the emergency for her personal gain of power bordering on godhood. There is scathing criticism of indira last we show Saleem has nothing much to do in life .he begins recollecting the pieces of his life.

Review of film reluctant fundamentalist

The reluctant fundamentalist is  political film. Deal with  musli identity in post 9/11 world. Movie based on the  2007 Novel the reluctant fundamentalist by mohshin Hamid. In this film we show conversation of Pakistani man and american soldier and said about his life in american.  The story is a post 9/11 the impact of attacks on one pakistani man and his treatment by americans is reaction to them.
In this film we show  the ever clashing mixture of global and local dualities in immigrants personalities. Movie is reaction to the discourse  of colonization from the Pakistani  side which stands for the east and welcome decolonisation. Hegemony   is  the power of the filling class to convince other classes that their interest are interest of all. Globalization is  a myth and what is actually taking place is the spread of american values,powers,and products across the global. Or in other words the american hegemony.

Hibridity has. Frequently been used in post colonial discourse to mean  simply cross- cultural exchange . hibridity  commonly refers to the creation of new transcultural forms.  Neoliberalism a type of  liberalism that believes in a global free market without government regulations ,with business and industry controlled and run for profit by private owners.  Alterity - after 9/11 attack change fails to feel like he fits in as a part of his community.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Views on T.S.Eliot Waste Land

respected sir
here my views on T.S Eliot waste land

T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ is an important landmark in the history of  English Poetry and one of the most talked about the Poem of the 20th Century.
1. “The Übermensch” is a concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. In his 1883 book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”. Übermensch is a Garman word, it means Above-Human or Superman.In this concept of Ubermensch (Superman) in seems to be progressive and forward.What Nietzsche is concerned about in relating the above is that God is dead in the hearts and minds of his own generation of modern men.
On the other side we can say that, T.S.Eliot is a person who believes in spirituality and God. T.S. Eliot was totally believes into the god and myths and’ The wast land poem ‘totally related with mythical connections and god Buddha and Christ also.
 .2) In the second question that prior to the speech Gustaf Hellstrom of the Swedish Academy is concept of Eliot and Freud both are important because in our life independent or free thought are more important, but the concept of Eliot is important it given us good instruction of life. Freud say that there is no need of tradition for salvation. In this poem talks about spiritual degeneration and sexual perversion. Eliot himself can't apply theory of depersonalization in his own poem.

3.) Eliot has made use of many myths poem different cultures and tries to connect different religious thoughts to get the answer. In the third part of the poem, he refers to “Jain- Buddhist” philosophy especially the serman given by Buddha. Second allusion is presented in the last part which he refers to Ganga, Brihadranyaka-upnishad.
Datta- be a giver
Dayadhavam- compassion, sympathise, empathise
Damyata- control and repress
The poem is of a quest of a man to restore spirituality as well as solution of contemporary malice.