Monday, March 20, 2017
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
Kim : by Rudyard Kipling
Heathan : By Jack London
The narrative pattern of this story is very complicated .The narrator named Charley has directly dedicated this story to his friend Otto who is negro man . The story presents voyages of these two characters .They have been living together for seventeen years. Their relationship is based on their emotion rather then master or slave.
The very meaning of heathen is the person who does not belong to any fix or particular class or community.the story reveals that Otto is considered to be the heathen as he does not belong to upperclassmen though he is from the African American class. The African people are suppressed by the whites and they are dragged to their own class but they are considered to be slave. This story also demonstrate the idea of master slave relationship.the white belives that the black are born to be merely slaves and that is why they are forced to be African Christian in which otooo remains d ifferent from them and thus he becomes the heathen of that community.
Moby Dick : By Herman Melville
How much land does a man need : by Leo Tolstoy
How much land does a Man actually require?
The postmaster: by Rabindranath tagore
1) longing
2) separation
3) companionship
All My Sons : by Arthur Miller
The boy comes Home : by A.A.Milne
The first conflict starts at breakfast on the issue of punctuality. Philip has just repatriated from a nerve-shattering war. So he is in a mood of holiday. He wakes up late in the morning. He demands his breakfast at 10 o'clock. Uncle James does not approve his unpunctuality. He has made a strict rule in his house to have breakfast at 8 o'clock sharp.
The second conflict takes place in a dream on the matter of decorums. While waiting for Philip in the morning room, Uncle James naps in front of the fire. He dreams that Philip has a cigar in his hand. He lights it and starts puffing in front of his uncle without any permission. Uncle James does not like it at all.
The third conflict is seen in the dream on the concern of Philip's employment. Philip wants to be an architect while his uncle tries to push him into his jam business. A showdown starts between the two. James exploits the power of money and Philip uses the power of revolver. Philip wins. However, when James wakes up, Philip is ready to join the jam business.
Far from the mading crowd: Thomas Hardy
When Troy returned, after allowing everyone to believe that he had drowned, Boldwood became enraged when he tried to take Bathsheba away. After all, it was his Christmas party and Bathsheba promised him an answer on his hundredth marriage proposal. Seeing Troy pulling on Bathsheba’s arm caused Boldwood to shoot Troy.
Othello: by Shakespeare
Therefore we can say that Othello is tragic play because it has all characteristics which tragic play has to have in it.othello posses great amount of strength and a great quality that has to be in hero of Shakesprean plays .in the play we see that Othello is loved by allmost everyone around him including brabantio the father of Desdemona,Cassiopeia and allmost all the senators.once Duke said
"Othello is more fair than black"
Though he was loved by everyone there was a man who had hidden hate for him and that man was the villain of the play Othello Iago himself.we can also said that he trusted Iago so blindly that he can easily be taken to be unaware of the ways of the world.iago used this nature of Othello against him only.iago knew that Desdemona is only person whom Othello loves the most and Iago planned against him and ruined him and his love cold blooded.
When we see Othello stabbing Desdemona we feel pity according to the characteristics of tragic play.there are two things which added more into the jealousy of Othello. the first is Desdemona's advocacy of cassio and second thing Desdemona's false story about the lost handkerchief which increased the temperament of Othello's anger .
The other quality of the tragic play is it should arroused catharsis in the mind of the readers. there are many incidents when we feel pity and fear.desdemonas lie about handkerchief.she speak lie because she didn't want to make Othello disappointed. There is also onther incident when we feel pity and fear when Othello was killing Desdemona cold heartedly. We feel fear and our pity is with Desdemona because inspite of doing nothing wrong Desdemona had to meet her tragic death
Thus the play Othello has all the characteristics that has to be there in the tragic play .
Heart of the Darkness: by joseph concrad
Tughlq : by Girish karnad
In tughlaq karnad goes back to the second phase of Indian history because tughlaq reign also comes under this phase. In his portrayal of tughlaq,karnad has depicted the last five years of his rule. He came to know about tughlaq when he was going through the tarikh- firoz shahi of tughlaq sourd historian ziayudiin barani.
Karnad said that he was fascinated by the character of tughlaq .He said that tughlaq was brilliant individual yet he was regarded as one of the failures ever.he tried to introduce policy that seem far sighted but which earned him the name mahumadd - the mad.he ended his career bloodshed and chaos .
The history of tughlaq is primarily the product of midieval Muslim era. Midieval Muslim historian zia-ud-din barani defines history as a form of knowledge for understanding the silent asscpted of Islam and aims to educate Muslims-sultans in their duty to their faith.
In this frame work, tughlaq became a repulsive subject because of his disregard for Kiran in dealing with both hindus and Muslims alike and is attempts to limit Islam's influences in the political and judicial spheres of India.
Brani has criticized tughlaq for not following the principal of Islam properly,he has discribed him as a ruthless and ambitious king.this gets reflected through to well known Indian modern historians . Hbim and nazmi who said brani makes observation to the effect that tughlaq had lost implicite faith in the tradition of prophet.
The play opens in 1327Ad the time when tughlaq was rulling over India. The image of monarchial rule in India is created as the location of the first seem in the yard in front off the chief court of justice in Delhi and Indians religious plurality is reflected in a crowd of citizens with few hindus and Muslims . In the very first seen we see tughlaq inviting his subjects to celebrate a new system,were justice works without any consideration of might or weakness, religion or creed. It is political play.
The Hairy Ape: by Eugene O'Neil
In the very beginning of the play the description of forecastle is man gethered in the forecastle of ship in the break of shovelling coal. They are enjoying, drinking beer by singing,cheering and jocking.protagonist is yank..Long give speech on capitalist society considered the ship is home.
In secene Mildred and her aunt promenade deck.both are aristocratic characters.he wants to help poor .when she go to stock home.where she fainted see yank as"take me away oh! Filthy beast"
Here we show upeer difference between upper class people and laser class people
Scene six opens in a prison of blackwellis Ireland .Yank in a same position of Rodin's the thinker .Blood stained bendeges are wrapped around his head . in scene 8 during twilight of the day yank makes his way to monkey house of nearly zoo. Yank realizing unbearable truth of his identity mirror in this beast behind steal bars,yank announced that he has given up the sceam of revenge .uolocks the door and broght murderous hug.
Yank struggle between being and animal. It seem to be firmly political play . Subtitle suggest the two extream negative view of state of mechanised America where two classes exits the hairy apes and the capitalists
Yank pride is shattered after Mildred's a counter .The indication of the Ape that is filthy beast,brainless ape,back to ape leads him to human regression . This statement about him slowly leads him to the state of ape and he accepts his identity as an ape. His ape like conduct in fifth avenue jail,and IWW leads him to the actual gorillas cage . Where he releases gorilla from the cage and than dies in it.the gorilla coming out of the cage and into the outside world may indicate
The Bluest Eye: by Tonny Morrison
Pecola is fragile and delicate child when novel begins.she nelives herself ugly and unworthy of love and respect.she believs the she is inferior compare to the white population.pecola has biggest abendonment by society,her teachers and schoolmates and her own parents abendent pecola in a stressful situation at home by her eyes suggests American white beauty.pecola raped by two white men and also by her father. Each night she prayed for bluest is ironical how in the end she looses her eyes in a way that she has driven herself into a state of madness.
"To having something as wonderful as that happened would take a long long time" suggesting the destortion of her dream .
Claudia and Frieda find out that pecola has been impregnated by her father,and unlike the rest of the neighborhood,they want the baby to live.they sacrifice the money they have been saving for bicycle and plant marigold seeds. Pecola's baby dies when it is born prematurely.cholly, his s father who rapes pecola a second time runs away,dies in work house. Pecola goes mad, believing that her cherished wish has been fulfilled and that she has bluest eye .
The Gift Outright
Of those settlers writes this poem about conflict between settlers as colonizers and native people as colonized . The poem opens with the poet's expression of love of his country.the poet says that the land of there's before they belonged to that land more than one hundred where already passed and in every state of America . The settlers considered that land as their own motherland but it was unfortunate that's still they were not possed who accepted by native American.finally they found that the reason was, they lived life in a different way of life. So that they may get accepted by native place of course before they were accepted,they had to fight many nettles and finally they were accepted.that surrender was unconditional whether that country progresses or not but they were live in that country as the the people of that country as the true citizen of that country. This is the gift that country gets from the settler and those settlers get this country as a gift.
Daffodils : by Wordsworth
In the first stanza poet companies himself with a cloud which wanderes around aimlessly while he is moving through lane. He comes across host of golden daffodils which are fluttering and dancing in the breeze . He is pleast with sight of daffodils .
In the second stanza poet companies daffodils with with the stars that shine across on the milky way. They seem to looking as a bright stars across the walley. He further talks about it's never ending lines of beautiful daffodils . Where in he saw the thousands of them at aglance and they were looking as if they were dancing with Joy.
Fire and eyes by Robert Frost
Stopping by wood on a snowy evening:by Robert Frost
The poet is reminding that the woods have got enough beauty. They are lovely,dark and deep but the poet has got many promises to keep before he sleeps there,he miles to go on and on
The applied meaning of the poem is more appealing and convincing the poet knows whose woods they are but that person is not an individual that owner is god almighty.who watches everything. The presence of horse also demands an is not on the poem only animal but that inner craving of an individual which does not allow that person to be in the company of the nature. The horse reminding to the poet is a sign of how man occupied with material life.which does not allow man to be with nature. The last stanza of the pie. In which the poet describes the woods , lovely , dark and deep has a note of despair in it. The word "dark " suggests poets despair because he couldn't get the expected price of his agricultural products. The sleep is not a common sleep. In last two lines of the poem it stands for death and here poem becomes a poem in karma yoga.
compensation: by R.W.Emerson
Balance in imbalance.
The speaker ask the question like do I have a right to be happy when other are not? It is also a fact that everyone is not happy at the sametime.this is in a mood of meditation in which the speaker tries to meditate himself in the sea of full of question regarding equality.emerson seems to be a preacher here who shared or preaches the Buddhist philosophy that every human being is unique and no one is superior or inferior .This uniqueness makes all human beings equal otherwise there is no equality among people because everyone is different in their own fileds.
The writer has used figurative language .In this poem in which he depicted two things on one side there is an individual and on other side society itself. The very direct question makes the whole poem clear that whmar do you mean when you say you are not equal to somebody.he used the word alone in the line
"I still and mourn alone"
And in the second stanza he says
" And why they mirch unseals all toungue.
When you wish to beequal ti to someone means you are hating your own position.what becomes more important because here is satisfaction what matters here is one's work and how the way one works.
Emerson s poem does not have poetic qualities but philosophical position does not give you equality or happiness but one's satisfaction gives that happiness.the Indian philosophy of karma is very applicable short the speaker makes everyone equal by saying that we are not equal and this is how it makes everyone equal. Thus all have this kind of uniqueness.
Conscience : H.D . Thoreau
In thus this poem concience stands for innersense and indirectly also ask questions
Do I have my own concience?
The poem is paradoxical it refers to the sin of Adam that he committed because he disobey the commandments of God but for Thoreau Adam's act is very important because he behave like human being listening to the voice of concience.poem again and again talks about significance of the innervoice.speaker speak himself the meaningful lines he she are
I love life whose plot is simple
And does not thicken with every
Here plot means the life itself which not at all straight and simple or rather smoother..And with this he has interwoven other stories.he also challanges'Bible'speaker clairyfy that life is harder than maths because there is no specific formula in life itself.
What he meant by pimple is problem which ocur in also meant something unpleasant and like clear road.the questions he ask earlier is very rhetorical one which is highly or rather thoroughly philosophical in this poem he makes demands moreover he write.
I love an earnest soul
Whose mighty joy and sorrow
Are not drowned in a bowl
And it clarify hidden meaning that is about honesty which is very difficult to define. Honesty and concience are very wide form which can't be define in shorter span like bowl.which is very narrow and also says that man should not be narrow minded.we are happy because society is happy and we are unhappy because it's unhappy.
I love a soul not all of wood
Predestined to be good
But true to the backbone
Our life is full of do and don't, right and wrong similarly there is one other example of black and white what about grey third he presents dilemma and says it is impossible.
Thoreau believes life is beyond is like Poem which can have multiple interpretation.
Then he does not capitalized it in the line
"If not good god.good devil"
And then again capitalized him in the line
" To cheer God along"
It is clearly shows that he does not favour God but rather satirizes him.
I want to be what I am
He says we are the piece of wood.god is craftsmen so we are just item . In short we are merely a wouden soul who are predestinated to be human beings are mere actors.thoreau comes to the conclusion that one's soul must be true to one.this poem also reminds of jayanta mahapatra 's poem 'mising' in which he questions himself by saying
Where I am
Loneliness is important to know who you the poem question is asked not to be answered .We are helpless creature.we are living like cropses.thoreau talks about the freedom in which one can think about answer of what I am.
The poe. Conclude by saying that person should follows the commandments of concience and live happily .The line emphasis this message
"Live your life,do your work than take your hat"
Lastly Thoreau put his message in clear words and it is again paradoxical.
"Whether to worship or to scoff
If not good why then evil
If not good god .Good devil"
Araby: by Jame Joyce
The story begins with the description of setting. Boys feel very emotionless about where he lives and how his neighbours appears. As we quickly introduced mangan's sister something that put a smile on the boys face.
To the indians who died in south Africa: by T.S.Eliot
The British had colonial interstate on Russia in order to safe guard her interest.the war against Russian called Boer war during this time India was already a colony of Britain and therefore had to fight on behalf of the britishers. This is the reason why Indian soldier goes to Africa with britishers to fight.
A man naturally yearns to be at his home if he working in another country.he keeps on looking forward to returning to hi home. He wishes to sit at his door peacefully enjoying the sunset and watch her grandson playing with neighbour's children in the dust infront of the house. This feeling share of a soldier after the war is over.
the soldier was lucky enough to survive the war through he wore many scar on his body from the Battelle. The memories of the war am his comrades from the another country.who were fighting from their homeland. There remembrance crowd in his psyche whenever he sits and talks apeople irrespective of the climate being cool or warm in his country. It is true that men he met in foreign place were foreigners but they were not aliens in the sense that they shared common purposed of fighting against enemy.
"A man's destination is not destiny".
A soldier may not stay in his country or die there. His fate may take him away to fight a bettle in a far off land.a land which is home to one is exile to another. However the country where the soldier lays down his life. While fighting, turns into his homeland where as the land of his birth become a foreign land for him.
While thinking of the dead Indian occurs to poet that Africa where the Indians and British soldiers came to engage in a battle. Belonged to neither of them some of the English soldier come from the Midland in England. Some of Indians belonged to the land of the five river but those among them who were killed in war will bury in the same graveyard so far away from their native country.
It is only the soldier who return alive from the war will narrate a great saga of their dead comradders to their brother when they reach home.the sublime sacrifice that they made in foreign land for a common cause, will Kindle the same great spirit in other men in the years to come hopes the poet we must realize that selfless action never goes without its own rewarded.
Nightingale and roes: by oscar wild
"All night long she sang"
It emphasis the pain of nightingale went through for a nightingale for a rose. It emphasize how long it the nightingale had to sing.
This reveals how much love he has for the lady. The nightingale later on in the story turns 'pale ivory' because of the passion it has for the man.
"As white as the foam of the sea"
It gives visual imagery to the reader emphasizing how it is the opposite colour if red.
Compared to the heart of man"
The heart of bird is much wiser than the heart of student. Bird is sacrificed itself to rose for a student where as the student simply gave up on what he thought was love.
Student looked up from the grass and listened but he could not understand what the nightingale was saying to him. He only knew the things that are written down in the books.this is contrast nightingale sacrifice himself for one red rose. When the student does not understand.intact nightingale is true lover not the student.
A green dusty book suggests how he rather avoids something such a impractical. Nightingale give her life to make a rose but it is not importance in students heart.
It symbolizes as a genital reaction this action repeated through many trees.
This contrast with how the student thinks as he beloved that he is able to buy love of the lady. This also suggest love requires sacrificed.
The symbolism of shadow suggests how the nightingale is a ways in the dark and student couldn't see the amount of sacrifice.
He threw the rose into the street where it feel into the gutter and cart wheel went over it. This emphasis the waste of the sacrifice of nightingale. Student does not know sacrificed that is made for the rose to blossom.
A prayer for my daughter by william Butler yests
First world war just drawn To a trail of death and distraction in Europe. Life is hard for the ordinary people . There was frustration, angst, and dear . He want that his daughter is remove from all things and that is why he worried about his child.
Stanza 1
The innocent little infant Annie is fast a sleep in cradle . The hood of cradel is half covers the cradle. A furious Strom coming from Atlantic ocean. The bare hill and woods bare the burnt of the Strom. Annie is sleep but her father is worried about safety. The Strom as symbol of difficult time and cradel and it's hood are symbol of limited security.
Stanza 2
The poet's sense of gloom deepens. A little later poet sees some light,some respite from traumatic hallucination. He thinks if the day when Annie would grow up. By saying that "future years had come, dancing ti frenzied drum "
Stanza 3
Yeats hope that Annie would grow up to beautiful damsel but he does not like to be a paragone of beauty. In year's view extreme beauty could be harmful for woman. It might make those people distraught who aspire for her hands.
Stanza 4
In this stanza Yeats recounts the fact that Hellenes of Troy and both were immensely beautiful but carried huge load of curse and suffering.there are three reference to ancient Greek mythology. Helen was beautiful woman. She married with Menelaus. She run away with lover who was Trojan prince and because of this bloody war between Greek And Trojan,thus Helen's beauty proved a curse to her and others.
Stanza 5.
This stanza deals with what Yeats determines and that is the womanly quality such as. Curtsy,kindness,civility. He says the man adore a woman who had charm,kindness and gental manners. The poet would like his daughter is learns a manners.woman who are beautiful will not attract a true lovers. The heart of man to be win by. Curtsy and affection. Poet gave his own reference that he fell in love with Maud finned because her beauty. He behaves like a fool and he realizes it is west if time and became wiser and married other woman.
Stanza 6
The poet would like her daughter ti grow like A flourishing tree hidden from a public gaze. He would like her thoughts to be cheerful like a song of birds. He would like her not to get involved any competitive struggle just for sake of fun. He could not like her to get involved in quarrel in jest.
Stanza 7
Here poet thinking of hostility. He does not want that her daughter is barefoot and he want that she does not fail in choosing the person with whom she will friendly.
stanza 8
In this stanza Yeats depicted his feeling relating to woman who reject his love four times and marry macbridge. The poet would like his daughter not to have strong opinion of an intellectual kind because such a intellectual kind lead only to suffering and happiness.
stanza 9
Yeats hope that his daughter becomes as beautiful as Maud tonne. Poet wants that her daughter controlling her mind of all hatred, lead a happy life no matter what the attitude of people towards her.
Light : by F.W.Bourbillon
The Eagle : by Tennyson
The Soldier : by Rupert Brook
The Fly: by William Black
She walks in Beauty: Lord Byron
The slaves dream by H.W.longfellow
Dreams the lordly niger flowed"
This line is an example of the diction that he uses. The way it is used or worded brings many questions to mind. When the poet a uses ' lordly ' he wishes to contrast what the reader already knows about the slavery.
Among her children stand;
"They clasped his neck, they kissed his cheeks;
They held him by hand"
La bell dame sans merci by john Keats
The Old man and The Sea By Hemingway
On the eighty fifth day Santiago rows far beyond the customary fishing area and he hooks ahuge Marlin. The account of Santiago's struggle with the Marlin has tragic quality because of suffering of both fish and fisherman.
From the very first day Santiago shows determination "Fish" he says "I will stay with you until I m dead" next he says " Fish ,I love you and respect you very much but I will kill you dead before this day ends"
His left hand becomes cramped,and the Marlin proves to bigger than he had thought it to be. He wishes to show to the Marlin what sort of a man he is.
Santiago kills big Marlin .He fights heroically.there he speaks memorable and historic words " But man is not made for defeat, A man can destroyed but not defeated "
Santiago experiences what is called an inner conflict. Having killed Marlin he ask himself whether he has committed sin.
The old man and the sea is remarkable tale of courage, endurance,pride, humility and death. it is especially like Greek tragedy in that as the hero fails and falls.thus old man and the sea is a moving parable about the apotheosis of human soul, about humanity's struggle to survive in hostile world,it's passion to show grace under pressure.
Kanthapura By raja Rao
When the novel begins the concept of freedom and nationalism is alien to the villagers.the novel begins with the information of the kanthapura.the villagers sacrifice all their material possession in triumph of the spirit. Acchaka narrates the story.she is an old village women and the story revolves around in a village kanthapura in South India. In this village there are clear discrimination between brahmin,shudra and pariha quarrels still the mutual bonding between the villagers are very strong and they live happily with equal social and economical bonding.
In this novel we show aweakning against foreign exploitation. A police bade Khan was posted in the village,to keep an eye on going on there. He could get no accommodation in the village.the sahib of the neighboring skeffington.
The crowd was asked to disperse peacefully and they obeyed because that their leaders wish. People notice no change in moorthy. He was to use the authors word "as ever as"