Monday, March 20, 2017

Sweetest love by john Donne

The present poem of John Donne deals with the theme of the love in which the lover adresees to his beloved. It is poem about the lovers emotion when it is time for him to separate himself from his beloved on account of her forth coming death. The lover is of the opinion that those who have truly can never be separated even by death .The poem opens with the lovers clarification that he is going away from her not because he is tired of her or because of your hope that he will be able to find a better person than his beloved than his beloved. The only reason why he is going away  from her is his death. Lover accepts his physical death as a joke and a fake death. His real death would take a place only if he stops loving her but that would never happen  and so in reality he would never die. The lover gives on example of the sun. The sun which went away. The previous night has comeback again though the sun bother sense nor desire to comeback compared to that he has both  sense and desire so he would  make his journey speeder than the sun and he will come back the next day.
The lover comments on futility of human power saying that  man cannot  add even one hour more to his happy time . Man cannot bring  back his happy days once those days are over. The lover is not affraid of his death and at the same time he tells her not to be affraid of his going away. He is ready to accept his physical death without any hesitation.
The lover request her not to sigh or weep because when she sighs it is not the air but his soul which comes out .When she weeps it is not tears but his blood comes out if she waste his soul and blood in this manner he would come to conclusion that she does not love him as she claims.
The lover of this poem believes that her fear may come true and she may die after his death but it would give them a chance to remain side by side in their grave. So death would become a chance to be in company once again. It is firm belief of the lover that those who have truly never part.
The present poem is a good example of Donne's metaphysical poetry. It employees image like the sun, wings,destiny, and divining heart giving a  metaphysical touch to his poem.

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