Monday, March 20, 2017

The Hairy Ape: by Eugene O'Neil

Eugene O'Neill was born in new York city in 1888.he has been compared to virtually every figure in the Western world and is considered the first great American playwright.his plays deal specifically with an American tragedy,rooted in American history and social movements.
In the  very beginning of the play the description of forecastle is man gethered in the forecastle of ship in the break of shovelling coal. They are enjoying, drinking beer by singing,cheering and jocking.protagonist is yank..Long give speech on capitalist society considered the ship is home.
In secene Mildred and her aunt promenade deck.both are aristocratic characters.he wants to help poor .when she go to stock home.where she fainted see yank as"take me away oh! Filthy beast"
Here we show upeer difference between upper class people and laser class people
In forth scene we show that yank covered with dust. seating like Rodin's the thinker. In fifth scene yank and long walked down avenue a neat and clean Street..He had a fight with a gentle man. Yank punches him.police arrested meanwhile nobody is noticing.long attempts to demonstrate .Yank individual is a part of general . Yank being .Yank wanted to raise himself at the height of bourgeois class but long explains the class discrimination to him.from scene 4 yank begins to think by visiting fifth Avenue defferenciates  fireman's shameness and upper class people likeliness including Mildred.
Scene six opens in a prison of blackwellis Ireland .Yank in a same position of Rodin's the thinker .Blood stained bendeges are wrapped around his head . in scene 8 during twilight of the day yank makes his way to monkey house of nearly zoo.   Yank realizing unbearable truth of his identity mirror in this beast behind steal bars,yank announced that he has given up the sceam of revenge .uolocks the door and broght murderous hug.
Yank struggle between being and animal. It seem to be firmly political play . Subtitle suggest the two extream negative view of state of mechanised America where two classes exits the hairy apes and the capitalists
Yank pride is shattered after Mildred's a counter .The indication of the Ape that is filthy beast,brainless ape,back to ape leads him to human regression . This statement about him slowly leads him to the state of ape and he accepts his identity as an ape. His ape like conduct in fifth avenue jail,and IWW  leads him to the actual gorillas cage . Where he releases gorilla  from the cage and than dies in it.the gorilla coming out of the cage and into the outside world may indicate
that Yanks animal self that is man's primitive figure and strength still exists in the world.

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