Monday, March 20, 2017

Conscience : H.D . Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau was born in July 12,1817 was an American auther,poet, philsopher, naturalist, critic, historian and transcendentalist.he is known for his book Walden and disobedience.thoreau studied at Harvard university between 1833 to11837.he was disciple famous philosopher called Emerson they are known as transcendentalist.they also known as American brahmins.they had also read  Indian holy book like upnishad & Geeta and other sculpture.they are against intutionalize Christianity .
In thus this poem concience stands for innersense and indirectly also ask questions
Do I have my own concience?

The poem is paradoxical it refers to the sin of Adam that he committed because he disobey the commandments of God but for Thoreau Adam's act is very important because he behave like human being listening to the voice of concience.poem again and again talks about significance of the innervoice.speaker speak himself the meaningful lines he she are
I love life whose plot is simple
And does not thicken with every
Here plot means the life itself which not at all straight and simple or rather smoother..And with this he has interwoven other stories.he also challanges'Bible'speaker clairyfy that life is harder than maths because there is no specific formula in life itself.
What he meant by pimple is problem which ocur in also meant something unpleasant and like clear road.the questions he ask earlier is very rhetorical one which is highly or rather thoroughly philosophical in this poem he makes demands moreover he write.
I love an earnest soul
Whose mighty joy and sorrow
Are not drowned in a bowl
And it clarify hidden meaning that is about honesty which is very difficult to define. Honesty and concience are very wide form which can't be define in shorter span like bowl.which is very narrow and also says that man should not be narrow minded.we are happy because society is happy and we are unhappy because it's unhappy.
I love a soul not all of wood
Predestined to be good
But true to the backbone
Our life is full of do and don't, right and wrong similarly there is one other example of black and white what about grey third he presents dilemma and says it is impossible.
Thoreau believes life is beyond is like Poem which can have multiple interpretation.
"By whom the work which God begun"
Then he does not capitalized it in the line
"If not good god.good devil"
And then again capitalized him in the line
" To cheer God along"
It is clearly shows that he does not favour God but rather satirizes him.
Major Theme
The major theme of the poem is
I want to be what I am
He says we are the piece of wood.god is craftsmen so we are just item . In short we are merely a wouden soul who are predestinated to be human beings are mere actors.thoreau comes to the conclusion that one's soul must be true to one.this poem also reminds of jayanta mahapatra 's poem 'mising' in which he questions himself by saying
Where I am
Loneliness is important to know who you the poem question is asked not to be answered .We are helpless creature.we are living like cropses.thoreau talks about the freedom in which one can think about answer of what I am.
The poe. Conclude by saying that person should follows the commandments of concience and live happily .The line emphasis this message
"Live your life,do your work than take your hat"
Lastly Thoreau put his message in clear words and it is again paradoxical.
"Whether to worship or to scoff
If not good why then evil
If not good god .Good devil"

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